Wednesday, June 15, 2011


got a lot done today...a bunch of mundane errands that i won't bore you with the details of, and one really great meeting. as much as i WOULD love to share details with you, for now i'm keeping all that under wraps. you'll hear about it though, i promise.

one of the many great things about humpday is that it's one of the days a new episode of my FREE podcast goes up. have you heard any of them yet? they're pretty candid, really funny, and occasionally scandalous. i release a new one every monday, wednesday, and friday. i have a SITE for them, but you can also search them and subscribe on Itunes. last week, we made their "New and Noteworthy" list & i'm really impressed with that- we have listeners in every state in the US and in 59 different countries. amazing. also, the STFU Show is on Stitcher Radio, which i just put on my iphone. it's free there too.

so, for future podcasts, if you guys have some questions that you'd like me to answer, just leave them in the comments section of this blog entry. they can be about almost anything...just DON'T ask me how to get in the biz. ; )

a few nights ago i went to see Bridesmaids & nearly peed my pants it was such a riot, and tonight i'm thinking about seeing Hangover 2, if i can manage to put pants on. ehhh, on second thought, it may be a DVR night. hehehe


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